Dry Eye​

Dry eyes can show up in various different forms; red eyes, watery eyes, itchy eyes, tired or uncomfortable vision. When the delicate balance of tears on the eye is unbalanced, a cascade of these symptoms can present. Crustiness around the eyes in the morning and chronic styes can also be traced back to a dry eye problem. The impact of our habits and environment cannot be overlooked. Our habits, environment and changes in season can all play a role in severity of our symptoms.

At Invision Eye Clinic, each exam includes an evaluation to not only identify potential dry eye, but to also investigate the possible causes and factors that have contributed to it.

For patients who are suffering from more advanced cases of dry eye, we offer in depth dry eye testing that investigates the root causes of the disease. We can develop a treatment plan that will involve both the management of symptoms and a preventative maintenance protocol.